Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SUGAR... da good, da bad and da very ugly

We had an interesting moment on Sunday.

Friends of ours were over for lunch, and since they are still transitioning into healthy eating, and also because they are both going through a lot right now I wanted to treat them. So I bought their favorite sweet, Lamingtons from Woolies as an after lunch treat. It was kind of weird buying dessert again, we just haven't bothered in so long, and whenever we need something sweet we make some Macadamia Carob Fudge (will post the recipe soon) or some other healthy alternative.

We made a conscious decision four years ago to not touch refined sugar again, and have pretty much stuck to it, besides the occasional biscuit at a social here and there, and a chocolate I ate from a box that was offered around once, with no real bad side effects. It’s also been interesting that we haven’t missed the sugar either, considering we used to be complete chocoholic freaks, spending insane amounts of money on chocolates each month. The only times I remember battling cravings would be during a fast where your cravings go from, weird, to down right wicked. I’ve also noticed that if I don't have my usual large fruit servings in the morning then keep me away from the chocolate aisles at the supermarket…

So, after lunch we passed the said Lamingtons around, I had a bite of one and found it way too sweet and quiet nauseating. Steve however, I later found out polished off 4. The interesting thing is we didn't have much fruit for breakfast. We normally have a large amount of fruit, but were running late and only managed a glass of orange juice with some nuts as we ran out the door. I was satisfied with this because I'm still dealing with all the over eating I did at the church camp I attended the last three days, but I think Steve needed his fruit intake.

Later that night, he began to shake like a leaf. His hands were trembling really badly and he said his body felt shaky and weird. He immediately cut up a mango, strawberries and kiwi with nuts and ate away. Before he finished the fruit salad the shaking had almost completely stopped.

Uh Huh! So let NO ONE ever say that the sugar in fruit is bad for you. Conclusive proof that refined sugar is bad for you and the natural sugar from fruit actually seemed to neutralize any of the bad side effects from the refined version.

Half an hour after eating the fruit he had completely recovered and slept really well. In the past this probably would have meant a disturbed nights sleep.
