Friday, November 16, 2007

Olive Pâté

Been trying to do raw as much as possible lately, especially while it's summer, hot and easier to eat raw food, winter however is interesting without a dehydrator on hand. Yet even in the heat of the African sun where you almost crave raw foods, I find it's still difficult to keep things interesting. We've only started out researching the 100% raw way and find we run out of ideas for something quick, tasty, different and versatile. This is one of Mary-Ann's recipe's and I love that it takes minutes to make and I am yet to find someone that doesn't love it, even olive haters.
For the raw enthusiasts out there, yes, I know I'm using cashews, and that they're not classed as 100% raw but it's a good start and way healthier than anything found on grocery shop shelves, especially in South Africa.

A friend tried this at our place the other day and has been hounding me for the recipe, so B, this one's for you!

Olive Pate

1 Cup Cashews
10-15 de-pitted olives (I mixed a few different types)
A little lemon juice & filtered water to help it blend (about a couple of tablespoons of each should do it, but just check the consistency)
Process the nuts in a food processor, I tried it in a blender and it worked just as well, but it seemed more liquid and lost the pate consistency, I also found I needed to add more liquid to get it to blend and needed to scrape the sides and under the blade a lot to get the nuts to blend, but it worked non the less and still tasted great.

Add olives lemon juice and water and blend further till it resembles pate, it actually looks like liver pate when done, but tastes way better.

De-stone olives
Add olives to ground nuts


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